Musician Tunes His Guitar

Dealing with Rejection As an Artist

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How do you get better at handling rejection?

 Rejection is an unfortunate, sometimes painful, growing pain of being an artist. we all deal with it. The key is how, and why, we're dealing with it.

Artists Discussing at Welcome to 1979 Studios in Nashvile, TN

Have a Rejection Quota

Learn how to look forward to rejection.

Artist plays guitar at Welcome to 1979 Studios in vintage room.

Turn Rejection into an Opportunity

Being rejected leaves an opportunity to build a relationship.

Artist listens to headphone mix.

Identify the Why

Hone your rejection skills - once you understand why you're being rejected, it starts to happen less often!


A Recording Studio Like No Other


© 2020 | Welcome to 1979


Welcome to 1979
1110 48th Ave N
Nashville, TN